Idris includes a system for building packages from a package description file. These files can be used with the Idris compiler to manage the development process of your Idris programs and packages.

Package Descriptions

A package description includes the following:

  • A header, consisting of the keyword package followed by the package name. Package names can be any valid Idris identifier. The iPKG format also takes a quoted version that accepts any valid filename.

  • Fields describing package contents, <field> = <value>

Packages can describe libraries, executables, or both, and should include a version number. For library packages, one field must be the modules field, where the value is a comma separated list of modules to be installed. For example, a library test which has two modules Foo.idr and Bar.idr as source files would be written as follows:

package test
version = 0.0.1

modules = Foo, Bar

When installed, this will be in a directory test-0.1. If the version number is missing, it will default to 0.

Other examples of package files can be found in the libs directory of the main Idris repository, and in third-party libraries.


The iPKG format supports additional metadata associated with the package. The added fields are:

  • brief = "<text>", a string literal containing a brief description of the package.

  • version = <version number>, a semantic version number, which must be in the form of integers separated by dots (e.g. 1.0.0, 0.3.0, 3.1.4 etc)

  • langversion <version constraints>, see depends below for a list of allowable constraints. For example, langversion >= 0.5.1 && < 1.0.0

  • readme = "<file>", location of the README file.

  • license = "<text>", a string description of the licensing information.

  • authors = "<text>", the author information.

  • maintainers = "<text>", Maintainer information.

  • homepage = "<url>", the website associated with the package.

  • sourceloc = "<url>", the location of the DVCS where the source can be found.

  • bugtracker = "<url>", the location of the project’s bug tracker.


  • sourcedir = "<dir>", the directory to look for Idris source files.

  • builddir = "<dir>", the directory to put the checked modules and the artefacts from the code generator.

  • outputdir = "<dir>", the directory where the code generator should output the executable.

Common Fields

Other common fields which may be present in an ipkg file are:

  • executable = <output>, which takes the name of the executable file to generate. Executable names can be any valid Idris identifier. the iPKG format also takes a quoted version that accepts any valid filename.

    Executables are placed in build/exec by default. The location can be changed by specifying the outputdir field.

  • main = <module>, which takes the name of the main module, and must be present if the executable field is present.

  • opts = "<idris options>", which allows options to be passed to Idris.

  • depends = <pkg description> (',' <pkg description>)+, a comma separated list of package names that the Idris package requires. The pkg_description is the package name, followed by an optional list of version constraints. Version constraints are separated by && and can use operators <, <=, >, >=, ==. For example, the following are valid package descriptions:

    • contrib (no constraints)

    • contrib == 0.3.0 (an exact version constraint)

    • contrib >= 0.3.0 (an inclusive lower bound)

    • contrib >= 0.3.0 && < 0.4 (an inclusive lower bound, and exclusive upper bound)


Package files support comments using the standard Idris singleline -- and multiline {- -} format.

Using Package files

Given an Idris package file test.ipkg it can be used with the Idris compiler as follows:

  • idris2 --build test.ipkg will build all modules in the package

  • idris2 --install test.ipkg will install the package to the global Idris library directory (that is $IDRIS2_PREFIX/idris-<version>/), making the modules in its modules field accessible by other Idris libraries and programs. Note that this doesn’t install any executables, just library modules.

  • idris2 --clean test.ipkg will clean the intermediate build files.

  • idris2 --mkdoc test.ipkg will generate HTML documentation for the package, output to build/docs

Once the test package has been installed, the command line option --package test makes it accessible (abbreviated to -p test). For example:

idris -p test Main.idr

Where does Idris look for packages?

Compiled packages are directories with compiled TTC files (see 构建制品 section). Directory structure of the source *.idr files is preserved for TTC files.

Compiled packages can be installed globally (under $IDRIS2_PREFIX/idris-<version>/ as described above) or locally (under a depends subdirectory in the top level working directory of a project). Packages specified using -p pkgname or with the depends field of a package will then be located as follows:

  • First, Idris looks in depends/pkgname-<version>, for a package which satisfies the version constraint.

  • If no package is found locally, Idris looks in $IDRIS2_PREFIX/idris-<version>/pkgname-<version>.

In each case, if more than one version satisfies the constraint, it will choose the one with the highest version number. If package versions are omitted in directory names, they are treated as the version 0.